lang attribute for textarea (HTML4 & HTML5) Language code for the content of the element. Values (Default Value: no default value)


2010-04-20 · textarea: Event Attributes ( onmouseup onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onmousedown onmousemove onmouseover onclick onkeyup ondblclick) Core Attributes ( xml:space title class id) XML Attributes ( xmlns:xsi xml:lang xmlns) Style Attributes ( style) Other: cols disabled onchange rows readonly onselect onfocus accesskey onblur name inputmode

This attribute was not supported in previous versions of HTML. Also see the

tag. quotation marks, ligatures and hypenation rules etc. The language attribute is composed from the two letter language code from ISO 639, optionally followed by a period and a two letter country code from ISO 3166. The HTML This is the tag if you are using it for database connection. You may use different syntax if you are using other languages than php.For php : e.g.: TEXTAREA; Purpose: multi-line text field; Description: This element creates a window into which a user can enter text. This is used in a FORM. Start tag: Required ","noCloneChecked","guid" 

The name attribute is a global attribute that can be used on many different HTML elements. When applied to a textarea the attribute is automatically associated with the value submitted with that form field, and can then be used to reference the data associated with the name. Se hela listan på

Attributes Basic cols This attribute specifies the visible width in average character widths. This attribute is required. name Form control name. rows This attribute specifies the number of visible text lines.

In the case of a tie, the element appearing first in the HTML document takes precedence.